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The Australia Set Productions was founded on July 26, 2021. With years of experience working at The Adelaide Set, our team decided to expand in the world of advanced digital creation… being honest about a dream that one day we may have our very own production company. 
Music videos, documentaries, films, TV shows or corporate videos, our team understands the power of storytelling that captivates audiences around the world. Our content going viral on The Adelaide Set was one thing for the team, but being known for art in production is a whole other ball game for us creatives. This became our next challenge. 
Our production team understands how important storytelling is. As children, we grow up watching our favourite movies and TV shows that gave us strength and confidence to be ourselves. Why does The Australia Set productions exist? So, your dreams can become a reality right here in Australia.  
In a world of Hollywood Blockbusters and rising Netflix films, why not give your dreams a chance? – The Australia Set productions.

The Australia Set Productions: Feature
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